Guess what?
You deserve to be the yoga teacher everyone is talking about.
The one who instinctively knows exactly what to say to get your distracted student to drop deliciously into their body.
The one who knows how to use the most compassionate hands-on assists to get your struggling student out of pain and into their pleasurable sweet spot.
The one who magically appears with a prop or a tweak or a game-changing idea that leaves your student wondering how the heck did you see that from across the room.
We have been teaching yoga teachers how to ascend from run-of-the-mill yoga teacher to coveted hold-the-presses, knock-your-socks-off, double-your-class size yoga LEADER for over 25 years, and here are the ways we can work together…

Fool-proof your teaching, sell out your classes, and get your students results.
Our celebrated intention-focused, apex-driven, embodied-led vinyasa style teacher training is THE standard for inclusion, accessibility, therapeutics, working with injuries, mixed-level modifications, reading energy, and mastering hands-on assists that get people out of pain and deliver practice-altering breakthroughs.

Feel 100% confident your classes are as safe as inspiring.
February 2025
This is a learn-by-feeling training where we explore the body from the inside out. Gain a practical and intuitive understanding of anatomy, biomechanics, and common injuries so you can teach 100% confident that your classes are safe, healing and pain-free (bye bye feeling like an imposter).

Be known for the most drool-worthy, get your students out of pain practice-altering assists.
March 2025
Venture off the confines of the teacher’s mat and grow the inexplicable gift of seeing, feeling, and transmitting energy so you can read the room and instantly know what to say or do so your classes feel tailor-made for every student (Your students won’t stop raving about you).
Shave off years of trial and error in just 3 days.
Work with Leslie in her most intimate, personalized group mentoring container. Get real-time, direct feedback on every aspect of your teaching, so you can finally discover your authentic voice, be known for your brilliant sequencing, stay-with-you nuggets of wisdom, witchy-like ability to read the room, and deliver the most drool-worthy hands-on assists your students can’t-stop raving about.
When it's time to 10x your impact for good.
No more dilly-dallying. You have a secret dream for your teaching and leadership and know that individual support is THE only way to get what you are after. You want immediate results and are not afraid to get messy, dig in deep, and start implementing strategies and upgrades to get exactly what you are after.
What our trainees/mentees are saying...

Anita March
"The wins keep coming! Last night a yoga teacher took my class and told me she had never seen a teacher in such command of the room. My students love my new class format and I just got a raise.”

Lauren Barroso
“I am now so confident in my teaching and my classes have grown so much. My numbers have doubled.”

Joyce Jeziorski
"My class size has increased and the compliments keep coming. Thank you, thank you thank you!"

Corine Englander-Bombled
"I can't believe how much I'm learning online from you. This shows me that online teacher training, when done the right way, can be very powerful!"

Beth Figari
"This training was a life-changing experience. Not only did I gain the skills needed to be an effective yoga teacher, but it was also a journey to find my authentic self."

Peg Whisler
“I just had a brand new student in my 6 am class. I couldn’t have been better prepared for teaching a brand new beginner than I was.”